Toptal acquires, enhancing custom software leadership

Software development portfolio

Irrigation Planning Solution


The client's request was to create soil monitoring and analysis systems for irrigation planning to improve soil fertility and increase crop yields. We developed drone software that allows us to create accurate yield, crop and environmental tracking maps based on photo analysis. In addition, the solution included sensor controller software that provides information on changes in temperature, humidity and other soil and environmental indicators. This...


Custom EHR (Electronic Health Records) System


The client's requirement was to develop a comprehensive EHR System to automate patient registration tasks, secure storage and easily manage medical data and increase efficiency.The end EHR allows to manage patient records, including medical history, treatment plans, and progress notes. Custom product is integrated with imaging system for seamless storage, retrieval, and analysis of medical images. All the features was customized to align with client...


Livestock Health Management Software


The client's requirement was to develop a platform to monitor the health status of livestock in real time and, based on this, to prevent possible outbreaks of infections. We developed artificial intelligence-based technology that automatically analyzes and evaluates photos, identifying various animal diagnoses and generating consultation on actions to be taken. In addition, the software solution included data collection for veterinary and production analysis, telemedicine...


Livestock Inventory and Breeding Software


Our client asked us to develop a software solution for convenient livestock tracking and breeding management. Accordingly, we developed a platform that makes it easy to keep track of livestock, prepare reports and plan the purchase or sale of animals. The solution includes functionality to control the breeding process: preparation of pedigrees and genealogies, information on pregnancy, fertility history, etc. for the entire herd. The...


Tailored Hospital Information System (HIS)


Our client is a private healthcare organization with multiple departments, including outpatient clinic, inpatient wards, a laboratory, and a pharmacy. We created integrated solution for their management. The HIS includes a centralized patient management module, that enables seamless registration and appointment scheduling, management functionalities, including inventory control and financial management module that automates billing, invoicing, and revenue management. The tailored HIS enables seamless integration with...


Leadvisor – International E-commerce Platform and Marketplace


: Leadvisor is a smart web platform with its own marketplace, offering information products from partner companies worldwide. It specializes in various industries, such as law, electric power, pharmaceuticals, production, and manufacturing. The platform serves as a marketing tool for business scaling, selling consulting services, and offering essential info products like checklists, templates, and training courses. It also acts as an intuitive educational platform, providing...


3D cars modelling

A web application that was developed for children and their parents for designing and constructing their own toy car. The user chooses the car elements and creates his own 3D design of a toy car in a virtual garage. It is possible to turn the model around, from side to side, and zoom in. The model can be saved in the cart, and as soon...


Documents Scanning App

In order to fill in an online application form, the user does not need to do it manually. Now the user needs only his personal documents (ID card, passport or driving license), a smartphone and our web app. The user scans the barcodes of the document with the camera of the smartphone. The necessary data, that should be filled in the electronic application form, is...


E-commerce platform for online cosmetics shop

A two-module system for an online cosmetics shop, with an exceptional feature: a bonus system with 3 types of commission for the sales managers – all in one app. The sales managers retail the online shop’s products and gain bonuses through the Mobile App, which is connected to the Web App. The administrator sets the commission rate to each sales manager individually according to  the special...


E-Learning App


An E-learning application with the features of self-organizing.  The user buys a tutorial and creates the tasks, sorts them out according to the priorities and tracks their statuses. It is also possible to set the notifications to exclude missing an important task.  Moreover, the user gains the credit points for the well-performed tasks. There is a market store inside the app where the user can...


Secure Password Manager


Building a secure password manager for mobile and web apps.   Client Startup Industry Information technologies Challenge Password-based security has recently become less safe due to more sophisticated phishing attacks and the issues that users face when creating and managing multiple passwords. In addition, safekeeping of millions of users credentials (including passwords) in the cloud or on a website server can provide a single target to...


A casual game for children



A casual game for children under preschool age should attract the attention of little gamers by bright-coloured interface and simple rules. The mechanism of sorting out things alike improves children's logic skills and raises inventiveness. The game plan excites interest for further levels and the topic of the game broadens little minds. Client A charity organization supporting children of Iordania Industry Charity Challenge The challenge...
