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VironIT mobile game has closed $1mln in the first round!

18.01.2016 Pavel Сherniavskiy
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VironIT mobile game has closed $1mln in the first round!

We are happy to announce that a mobile strategy game, developed by our software development company VironIT, raised $1 million in the first investment round!

We were persistent when searching for the investment and took part in major international conferences such as Casual Connect in San Francisco last August 2015.

We were choosing the investor very carefully – money was not the only thing that mattered. The experience in the gaming industry was of crucial importance as well.

“Of course, the search for investment takes time, but due to our partners based in San Francisco that actually happened. It was hard to believe that it will work out in the first place but following the principle of “seek and you shall find” was the right thing to do,” – Alexei Grakov (co-owner) emphasizes. Judging by the audience’s interest at Casual Connect, the game caught the attention of many visitors of the exhibition.


Here is the photo from the Casual Connect exhibition. In the photo: Alex P and Alex Grakov. They are demonstrating the game at the Casual Connect in San Francisco.

The game is an online real-time strategy, the action of which takes place inside the Star system. “In fact, a real war is emulated in the game, where all types of troops (8+ types of units – tanksOsipov-blog , aircraft, flare pistols, infantry, etc.) are brought into play, and each player is responsible for their own part, – Maxim Osipau says. –Players can divide into teams and attack the planets from the space, whereas the planet takeover takes place on the planetary surface.

We hope the game would be interesting and fascinating to play.

We are planning to release it at the end of summer.”

Our company develops not only games but various  projects:

  • oil leaks analysis,
  • firefighting simulator for the emergency rescue team
  • The 3D composite facial image
  • complex mobile and web development

If you’re reading this article and want to join the team of professionals who will, no doubts, launch a decent game – you are more than welcome to write to – we need talented programmers in the following technologies: IOS / Android / C ++ and game server programmers).

Of course, our success won’t be possible without our team!

If you are interested in our services or custom game development – please write here (

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