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What are the Best UI Designs for Medical Apps?

25.03.2021 Christina Kovalevich
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What are the Best UI Designs for Medical Apps?

Quality user interface (UI) design is an essential part of any application, but it’s especially important for apps that are created for certain target audiences, such as those who use healthcare apps. Patients can be elderly people, people with poor eyesight, or people with colorblindness. You should think ahead to make the use of the app seamless for any of these users.

In this article, we will explain why it’s necessary to provide a quality UI for medical apps, tell you how to design a great app, and show you examples of the best UI designs for medical apps to strive toward.

Reasons to provide a clear UI for healthcare apps

Medical app implementation can bring a lot of benefits to the healthcare organizations that will use them. It allows doctors to provide remote assistance quickly and easily from anywhere. With the help of such apps, hospitals can improve data management and simplify the work of medical staff to reduce the possibility of human errors. Below, you can see other specific advantages that medical apps can bring to medical organizations.

A thoughtful UI makes your users trust you

When patients download the app and start using it, they immediately form an opinion on the interface. For your users to share their personal data with you, make sure that their interaction with your app leaves them feeling confident and safe. This is where first impressions matter. A smooth and well-designed interface demonstrates that you pay attention to detail and care about the well-being of your users. At first glance, they should feel that your app is valuable and can meet their needs.

A good UI optimizes the clinic workflow

As part of their job, medical staff are required to processing huge amounts of data throughout the day. Thus, any type of workflow optimization is certainly a good idea. But integrating a solution with an easy-to-use UI will help you get the most out of such changes. Obviously, the overall result also depends on a user-friendly user interface (UX), but you can’t ignore the importance of backing up the UX with a convenient UI design.

A well-designed app increases user satisfaction and retention rate

The only thing a person who is not feeling well wants is to quickly access a doctor. They certainly don’t want to fill out a long registration form and figure out a non-obvious interface to make an appointment. A clear, simple, intuitive, and visually pleasing interface will demonstrate to the patient that you already care about them. Such a UI will definitely enhance the user experience, help you retain your patients and keep them loyal to your services.

An appropriate UI guarantees a higher return on investment

If you want to meet all the expectations of your target audience, be prepared for the app design cost to increase. But believe it or not, it’s worth it. UI design distinguishes successful apps from unsuccessful ones. By investing in your app’s interface, you can attract and retain experienced users, build trust, and simplify the workflow, which will guarantee a high return on investment.

How to design a medical app: pro tips and best practices

Now that you understand the importance of a great user interface, we are ready to share some tips for creating a visually attractive and user-friendly medical app.


Medical UI Colors

When choosing a color scheme for your medical app, remember that trends are secondary. While bright colors are appropriate for games and social media apps, healthcare apps require more delicate color palettes.

The colors you use should make the users feel calm and confident that here they can get help. You can create such an atmosphere by using colors that are associated with comfort, well-being, and health.

You should also bear in mind that reactions to colors can be very personal. They may depend on past experiences, vision, national outlook, etc.


White Color Palette for Medical App UI

White is a universal color for app interfaces. White is often associated with minimalism, cleanliness, and simplicity. It also symbolizes purity, innocence, and perfection. This color is thought to provide hope, clarity, openness, and goodness. However, keep in mind that in some Asian countries, white stands for mourning, so it should not be used for apps designed for those regions.


Blue Color Palette for Medical App UI

You can choose blue as the primary color for your medical app interface. Just look at your smartphone app icons: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Zoom, Shazam—they are mostly blue. Why is this color so popular? There are several reasons:

  • The majority of people globally consider blue their favorite color.
  • Reminiscent of nature. Blue is related to water, the ocean, and the sky, so it conjures up pleasant associations and tranquility.
  • Universal for interfaces. While red, orange, and green are generally perceived as the colors of danger, caution, and success, respectively, blue has no such stereotypes, making it ideal for any application.
  • Associated with technology and innovation.
  • Makes people feel safe; symbolizes security and reliability.
  • Visible for people who are colorblind. People with the most common types of colorblindness can still distinguish the color blue, while green or red may be confusing.


Green Color Palette for Medical App UI

Even if you choose another color as the basis of your future interface, some of the elements may need to be green. That’s because green is traditionally used to indicate a state of success or safety. Browsing any app or website, you can see that completed actions are usually marked with green. Moreover, pairing green with red can allow you to encourage users to press the green button because red means ‘stop’ while green means ‘go.’ You can clearly see it on the incoming call screen. But remember that pairing only works in situations where both options are equally important, so if you expect your users to press one of the buttons, emphasize it with the color green.


Pink Color Palette for Medical App UI

This color evokes a sense of childhood wonder and feminine energy, along with love and comfort. It is often associated with taking care of babies and mothers, so it is primarily used to design apps related to women’s health and pregnancy tracking. Although pink is friendly and calming in general, we don’t recommend it for gender-neutral solutions so that your app can avoid being considered offensive.


Yellow Color Palette for Medical App UI

Yellow is a cheerful color that is associated with happiness, optimism, and positivity. Yellow provides clarity of thought and helps to make hard decisions easier by stimulating the nervous system in a specific way. Yellow has many shades that allow us to combine it with many other colors. However, remember that yellow lettering is usually difficult to discern, so use it sparingly so as not to overload the UI with bright accents.


Beige Color Palette for Medical App UI

Beige is perfect for the background or as a secondary color since it’s neutral and doesn’t draw one’s attention. It makes people feel relaxed, comfortable, and safe. Similar to white, beige is a color of minimalism and elegance, although some people find it boring and excessively plain. Applied correctly, beige will draw out other colors you use and take on the characteristics of the surrounding colors.


Medical UI Button Rules

Buttons are one of the most important elements of UI design because they allow users to perform actions and use the application. You have to think clearly about what buttons to include and where they will be located. The size of the buttons and the distance between them should be so optimal that users don’t click on them accidentally. But don’t make the buttons unreasonably huge, which might affect the appearance of the template.


Fonts and typography are another integral part of the interface that requires special attention. The right combination of color and font palette will have a positive effect on user perception. To allow users to understand you correctly, regardless of whether the text consists of one word or five sentences, we suggest that you follow these tips:

    • Choose the right kerning—the distance between letters.


    • Use simple sans serif fonts to make text easy to read.

Serif, Script, and Sans Serif

    • Use left-aligned text, especially for large blocks of text.

Text Alignment


Medical Icons

Icons are used in medical applications to show something schematically. They should be extremely intuitive and obvious so that people can easily understand what they represent. The last thing people expect is to have to figure out what the icons symbolize. That’s why it’s a good practice to include a caption with every icon. And don’t try to use icons everywhere: sometimes it’s better to express an idea through text.

Images & photos

Illustrations and photos should fit in with the style, create interest in patients, and produce a pleasing atmosphere overall. Nevertheless, thousands of website owners decide to use the same stock photos with smiling people. Going beyond this will definitely improve your interface. Even though it can seem unimportant, relevant pictures in high resolution will add real value to your app and increase user engagement.


App notification design is another crucial part of medical apps, especially for apps that track various indicators or remind users of something. It’s important not to make them annoying so that the user doesn’t turn them off and forget about your app completely.

For example, suppose an app notifies the user to take their medication and reminds them of an upcoming visit to a doctor at the same time. In such cases, developers should provide for the separation of various notification categories by using different colors, fonts, sounds, or animations.

Best UI designs for medical apps

With the design principles above in mind, we’ve selected the three healthcare apps with the best UI design.


Vessel Medical App

Vessel is a mobile application for tracking health indicators that instantly detects what your body needs. After scanning, it gives you practical advice on how to change your diet and lifestyle, and what vitamins to take to achieve optimum well-being.

Virus Tracking App

Virus Tracking App

This app monitors new cases of virus infection and predicts the risk of infection for users in particular locations based on their recent activity. In addition, users can check their symptoms and get advice on precautions to take in case of infection.

Medical Mobile App

Medical Mobile App

This is an application that allows patients to find doctors of any specialization by their location, specialty, name, and in-app rating. After that, they can make an appointment for a remote consultation via video call.

But remember that by copying the design of other apps, you will risk your own app getting lost among similar competitors in the App Store and Google Play. In any case, you should use the best design ideas as references to create your own custom interface rather than stealing someone else’s.

VironIT experience

VironIT has created a number of healthcare apps, so we’d like to share the interface of one of them with you.

Medical Services App

The Medical Services App (its real title is under the NDA) is a mobile telemedicine application on the patient’s side and a web application on the doctor’s side. This solution was developed to allow the patients to visit physicians remotely during the pandemic.

As you can see, we decided to use a minimalistic color palette with a white background and light to dark grey elements. An ‘End Call’ button and an ‘Available Now’ label are the only bright accents that don’t distract users from the main content on the screen.

The interface leaves enough negative space: perfect to be considered minimalistic, not empty. The fonts are simple: sans serif, adjustable size, contrasting with the background, bold where needed.

Wrapping up

Developing a medical app is a great responsibility because the target audience may turn out to be very specific. Of course, there are trends and standards you can follow, but you cannot design a good healthcare app without knowing who your users are. Thus, our main advice is to examine your future users and their problems, and use this information along with our design tips to create an outstanding solution.

If you are going to develop a medical app and need some help, feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

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