Kalpesh Prithyani, Designer in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Kalpesh is available for hire
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Kalpesh Prithyani

Verified Expert  in Design


Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Toptal Member Since
July 13, 2023

Kalpesh is a UX designer and strategist with 5+ years of experience working with startups and industry giants like Adobe. He is proficient in simplifying intricate business concepts and crafts innovative yet user-centric digital experiences for web and mobile apps. Kalpesh advocates for scalable solutions and streamlining team efficiency and operations. Noteworthy achievements include implementing design systems, yielding a 34% reduction in design and development time.


Work Experience

UX Designer

2021 - PRESENT
  • Layed out the foundation for a design system, a storybook, and brand visuals to avoid future debts while handling DesignOps and promoting good design practices in the team.
  • Designed the interface to support enterprise needs of managing employee accounts, which would drive millions of dollars of revenue every year.
  • Implemented gamification using the Hooked Model to increase the count of daily active users and the retention rate of the product. This saw an increase in the DAU of 35%.
  • Scaled up the product by identifying the growing needs of users and delivering them as features.
  • Supported marketing team campaigns by creating enticing product visuals for social media, adverts, emailers, and landing pages.
  • Strategized the architecture of Figma files and other design assets to improve design operations and reduce dependencies.
  • Gained special expertise in maintaining a powerful yet flexible design system and updating it based on designer needs.
Technologies: Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Quantitative Research, Competitive Analysis, Brainstorming, FigJam, Web Design, Lottie, User Research, Design Systems, Mobile App Design, Wireframing, Product Design, UI Style Guides, Visual Design, iPhone, User-centered Design (UCD), App Design, Gamification, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UI Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), UX Design, UI Design, Qualitative Research, Ideation, Prototyping, UX Testing, User Interviews, Heuristic Analysis, Information Architecture (IA), User Flows, User Journeys, User Personas, Miro, Interaction Design (IxD), Usability Testing, Web App Design, Customer Interviews, B2B, iOS App Design, Android App Design, Interface Design, High-fidelity Prototypes, UX Workshops, MVP Design, User Onboarding, B2C, Accessibility, Redesign, Websites, Web App UI, Testing, Landing Pages, Quantitative Analysis, App UI, Human-computer Interaction (HCI), Stakeholder Interviews, Apps, Best Practices in Design, SaaS Design, Style Guides, UX Strategy, Enterprise SaaS, UI Components, Android, iOS, Mockups, Illustration, UX Research, User Stories, Animation

Freelance UX Designer

2016 - PRESENT
  • Helped a Codesmith team with client design requirements, ranging from research to prototype designs.
  • Designed a modern-looking website for Hybrid Poker that fits the brand style and enables users to sign up and learn about their app while serving marketing needs.
  • Oversaw the design operations at Recamov while working as a UX consultant, helped in hiring a design agency, and directed the design process for creating a remote job portal app.
  • Created UI designs for an MVP version of the SHINC web app, which facilitates managing the docking and undocking of ships.
  • Delivered a product video for Zenown to feature at their product hunt launch, along with multiple small clips for Instagram marketing.
  • Designed and developed a responsive, interactive website for Sattva Solar to support their B2C services and a product video.
  • Designed and developed a mobile app for a college admission drive that received a 4.8 rating with over 1,000 downloads.
  • Led a marketing campaign for an early-stage startup that led to over 100 mobile app downloads.
  • Created and executed content strategies for marketing campaigns of a startup accelerator firm.
  • Created brands from concept to completion. Provided creative direction and drove brand standards for several startups.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Figma, Miro, FigJam, Brainstorming, Competitive Analysis, User Research, Design Systems, Mobile App Design, Wireframing, App Design, Web Design, Ideation, User Flows, Graphic Design, Product Branding, Sketch, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Material Design, Web App Design, Customer Interviews, iOS App Design, Android App Design, Interface Design, High-fidelity Prototypes, MVP Design, Redesign, Websites, Web App UI, App UI, Best Practices in Design, SaaS Design, Style Guides, UI Components, Android, iOS, Mockups

Product Designer

2021 - 2021
  • Led the research, ideation, designs, and implementation of an MVP version of a product, along with a team of product managers and graphic designers.
  • Brought innovation to the MVP version through unique visual styles while seamlessly integrating the brand identity and following the design system guidelines.
  • Supported the developers with modular and reusable design components, which ensured pixel-perfect implementation.
  • Created a mood board and directed a photo shoot of the product with an external agency.
  • Designed micro-animations for the UI of a new e-scooter to ensure a smooth and engaging user flow.
Technologies: Figma, Principle, FigJam, Brainstorming, Competitive Analysis, ProtoPie, Mobile App Design, User Research, Design Systems, Wireframing, Product Design, UI Style Guides, iPhone, User-centered Design (UCD), App Design, Gamification, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UI Design, UX Design, UI Design, Ideation, Prototyping, Heuristic Analysis, Information Architecture (IA), User Flows, User Journeys, User Personas, Material Design, Interaction Design (IxD), iOS App Design, Android App Design, Interface Design, High-fidelity Prototypes, MVP Design, B2C, App UI, Human-computer Interaction (HCI), Apps, SaaS Design, UX Strategy, Android, iOS, Mockups, Animation

UX Designer

2021 - 2021
  • Conducted user interviews by recruiting participants through a survey, offering incentives, and writing up an interview script that helped reveal interesting insights.
  • Utilized the gathered insights to create user personas, wireframes, and interaction designs to support the integration of new features within the app.
  • Designed the interface for an online directory of research publications by doing a desk study and understanding user needs.
  • Improved the product's conversion rates by tracking user activities, i.e., daily metrics and user clicks, on the app and leveraging those findings while making design decisions.
  • Delivered the project through end-to-end design process implementation, starting from research to testing and implementation.
Technologies: Hotjar, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Brainstorming, Dovetail, Competitive Analysis, User Research, Wireframing, Product Design, User-centered Design (UCD), UX Design, UI Design, Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research, Ideation, UX Testing, User Interviews, Heuristic Analysis, Information Architecture (IA), User Flows, User Journeys, User Personas, Interaction Design (IxD), Usability Testing, Web App Design, Interface Design, B2C, Surveys, Web App UI, Testing, Quantitative Analysis, Human-computer Interaction (HCI), Stakeholder Interviews, SaaS Design, UX Strategy, Mockups, Microsoft Teams, UX Research, User Stories

Adobe Creative Resident

2020 - 2020
  • Was commissioned to explore the new stroke animation feature introduced with Adobe XD.
  • Created multiple real-world design examples of using stroke animation along with auto-animate.
  • Wrote a blog and created a demo file with examples to help designers understand its potential. It was then published by Adobe on their platform.
Technologies: Adobe Experience Design (XD), Adobe Illustrator, UI Design, Wireframing, Ideation, Prototyping, Interaction Design (IxD), Interface Design, Mockups, Illustration, Animation

UI Design Intern

2020 - 2020
  • Designed wireframes and provided creative directions for the website of Open Obvious, an open-source repository of in-house tools and practices.
  • Gained a lot of experience communicating my design decisions and choices while collaborating with the design team.
  • Crafted a set of illustration styles for showcasing case studies on the website.
  • Built a website for their new product, Pause, using Figma and Webflow while ensuring consistency and modularity.
Technologies: Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Webflow, Brainstorming, User Research, Wireframing, Product Design, UI Style Guides, Visual Design, User-centered Design (UCD), Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Design, UX Design, UI Design, Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research, Ideation, Graphic Design, Miro, Interaction Design (IxD), Framer, Interface Design, Websites, Landing Pages, Mockups, Illustration, Landing Page Design, User Stories, Animation

Digital Designer

2018 - 2020
  • Collaborated with the developer and project management team in creating user flows, wireframes, and high-fidelity prototypes to improve the experience of a web app.
  • Art-directed a brand refresh that facelifted the company's identity and provided guidelines for the upcoming product line.
  • Evangelized modern UI/UX processes and best industry practices to set up a solid groundwork for upcoming products.
  • Created a playbook that documented the process and operations for the design team.
  • Worked with the marketing team on social media assets, adverts, and landing pages, leading to an increase in lead generation and conversion rates.
  • Led a revamp of a mobile app by conducting a heuristic evaluation to pinpoint problems users face and delivering a working UI solution.
Technologies: Sketch, Figma, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Material Design, Brainstorming, Balsamiq, Lottie, User Research, Design Systems, Wireframing, Product Design, UI Style Guides, Visual Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Design, UI Design, Ideation, Information Architecture (IA), Graphic Design, Product Branding, Zeplin, Web App Design, B2B, Interface Design, B2C, Accessibility, Websites, Landing Pages, Style Guides, Enterprise SaaS, UI Components, Mockups, Illustration, Landing Page Design, Canva, User Stories

Digital Design Intern

2017 - 2017
  • Worked on rebranding and marketing a service platform offering freelancers job opportunities.
  • Designed and developed a marketing website for a local gourmet bakery to help them take enterprise orders.
  • Planned and led a brainstorming session with stakeholders to develop an MVP version of the product.
  • Conceptualized a user flow, wireframes, and designs required for improving the platform's UX.
  • Worked as a full-time employee and represented the agency in client meetings with the project manager.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Brainstorming, Web Design
2019 - 2021

Master's Degree in UX Design

MIT Art, Design and Technology University - Pune, India

2014 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Institute of Engineering and Technology, DAVV - Indore, India


Design System in Figma

Awwwards Academy


UX Design Fundamentals

California Institute of Technology | via Coursera


Figma, FigJam, Canva, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Miro, Principle, Balsamiq, ProtoPie, Sketch, Zeplin, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Hotjar


Android, iOS, Webflow, Dovetail


CSS, HTML, JavaScript


Web Design, UX Design, UI Design, Wireframing, User Research, Prototyping, Information Architecture (IA), User Flows, User Journeys, User Personas, Interaction Design (IxD), Competitive Analysis, Brainstorming, Design Systems, Lottie, Mobile App Design, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Web App Design, iOS App Design, Android App Design, Interface Design, High-fidelity Prototypes, B2C, Web App UI, Landing Pages, Quantitative Analysis, App UI, Human-computer Interaction (HCI), User-centered Design (UCD), iPhone, Product Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX Design, Visual Design, UI Style Guides, App Design, Apps, Best Practices in Design, SaaS Design, Style Guides, UX Strategy, UI Components, Mockups, Microsoft Teams, Landing Page Design, User Stories, UX Testing, Empathy Mapping, Graphic Design, Material Design, Usability Testing, Branding, Customer Interviews, UX Workshops, MVP Design, User Onboarding, Surveys, Accessibility, Redesign, Websites, Testing, Digital Banking, Stakeholder Interviews, Gamification, Enterprise SaaS, UX Research, Animation, Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research, Ideation, User Interviews, Heuristic Analysis, Product Branding, Framer, tvOS UI, B2B, Neobanks, Market Fit, Illustration

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