Hannah Squire, Marketing Expert in Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany
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Hannah Squire

Verified Expert  in Marketing

Marketing Expert

Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany
Toptal Member Since
March 5, 2024

Hannah brings almost a decade of expertise in content marketing to business-to-business (B2B) software-as-a-service (SaaS), travel, eCommerce, and recruitment industries. She crafts robust content strategies that emphasize quality and educational value for the audience. An adept copywriter and editor, Hannah excels at enhancing brand awareness and driving sales conversions through quality and strategic content strategies.

Project Highlights

Content Strategy for a SaaS Product
Orchestrated the content marketing strategy from ideation to publication, coordinating with various departments and external agencies.
Newsletter for a Mobile Analytics Product
Spearheaded the monthly newsletter production from concept to distribution, growing the subscriber base to almost 10,000 and achieving a read rate of over 60%.
Scaling Content as the 1st Marketing Hire
Created a content strategy from the ground up for a recruitment tool.


Work Experience

Content Manager

2022 - 2023
  • Created a content strategy alongside the sales team to convert leads and explain a complex product to a non-tech-savvy audience.
  • Interviewed and collaborated with freelance writers to boost content output. Crafted detailed briefs, honing strong editing skills throughout the process.
  • Interviewed product managers to understand the target audience's needs better.
  • Headed a newsletter strategy and community marketing strategy from ideation to creation and publication, fostering a community and increasing the trust of our industry expertise.
  • Collaborated with designers to produce ebooks, websites, and social media graphics using Figma.
  • Supported the SEO team by optimizing existing blog articles and creating new content following their guidance.
  • Worked on their content strategy through content audits. Analyzing the performance of landing pages and blog articles allows us to identify gaps in content that companies should focus on going forward to improve traffic, sales, and brand awareness.

Content Marketing Specialist

2021 - 2022
JOIN Solutions
  • Managed the flow of content team projects and acted as interim manager for a team of three.
  • Played a crucial role in the comprehensive overhaul and update of the homepage and product feature pages.
  • Implemented and owned the social media strategy from the beginning.
  • Distributed writing tasks to the team and edited and proofread all work before publication.
  • Created and implemented a content strategy from scratch as the first content marketing hire.

Web and eCommerce Content Manager

2020 - 2021
  • Coordinated web content activities for up to three new product launches a week.
  • Collaborated with designers, photographers, and content writers to prepare overall product pages for new launches.
  • Collaborated with logistics and warehouse managers to coordinate stock levels, ensuring the website stayed up-to-date.
  • Managed multiple seasonal projects, including Black Friday and Mother's Day, by assembling product bundles and developing and launching promotional materials.

Web Content Specialist

2015 - 2019
  • Collaborated with the editorial team to define the company's tone and applied it within a search engine optimization (SEO) context.
  • Earned a promotion to manage the SEO and social media strategy for the UK market after two years.
  • Collaborated with developers on landing page design throughout a company rebranding.

Content Strategy for a SaaS Product

Orchestrated the content marketing strategy from ideation to publication, coordinating with various departments and external agencies.

During my time at a B2B SaaS company, the marketing team decided to pivot in the content organization as the previous strategy did not deliver the desired results.

To ensure the new strategy was appropriately aligned with the product, I spent a lot of time learning about each product's details and different features. I then interviewed people from the product and sales departments to determine customers' main pain points. Once I better understood that, I could begin developing content pillars and buckets split across the blog, newsletter, social media, landing pages, CTAs, infographics, ebooks, and guides.

This gave everyone on the team a deeper understanding of the direction our content should be going in to win over potential customers, enhance sales, and increase the education of our current clients so that they could get better use out of each feature and use the product for longer.

Newsletter for a Mobile Analytics Product

Spearheaded the monthly newsletter production from concept to distribution, growing the subscriber base to almost 10,000 and achieving a read rate of over 60%.

UXCam is a mobile app analytics platform. I took over the management of the company's newsletter upon joining the team.

At the start, the newsletter did not have much of a schedule due to the team's capacity, so I initiated a strict monthly deadline. After working with designers and learning how to use a template in Figma, I created designs and a theme for the content for each newsletter, wrote and edited copy, and managed scheduling and subscriber lists in HubSpot.

I also encouraged the sales team to recommend the newsletter to new clients and integrated calls to action (CTAs) in the blog to boost awareness.

This saw an increase in subscribers from 3,000 to almost 10,000, and after experimenting with many different subject lines, the read rate increased from 30% to over 60%.

Scaling Content as the 1st Marketing Hire

Created a content strategy from the ground up for a recruitment tool.

The target audience for this tool was small businesses that needed to hire fast. They most likely required an in-house recruiter and needed help finding and hiring candidates.

I led our small marketing team on this project and distributed the work fairly. Our primary focus was to educate our audience to build trust, leading to more contracts for our business.

One huge task was to create example job descriptions to help the recruiters write their own stellar job ads. Another was to begin work on the company blog by writing thought leadership pieces to be repurposed and used for brand awareness and fostering trust.

This large-scale project was ongoing the whole time I was working with the company. We saw a steady increase in traffic to the website, higher conversion to talk with the sales team, and engagement with our social media platforms.
2010 - 2013

Bachelor's Degree in Events Management

University of Greenwich - London, United Kingdom


Writing & Editing, Content Marketing, Blogging, Social Media Posting, Landing Pages, Content, Social Media Content, Content Creation, Organic Social Media, Content Marketing Strategy, Marketing, SEO Tools, Copywriting, Email Campaigns, Product Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Design, Social Media Management, Responsive Email Templates, Infographics, Social Media, Content Strategy, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Platforms & Tools

Asana, Google Analytics, Contentful, Content Management Systems (CMS), HubSpot, HubSpot Marketing Hub

Business Models

SaaS Product Marketing


Web Content, Content Writing, Copy Editing, Landing Page Optimization, Website Optimization, Content Management, Organic Content Marketing, Slack, Blogs, Project Planning, Project Management, Team Management, B2B Marketing, Travel & Leisure, Thought Leadership, Content Audits, Newsletters, Digital Newsletters, Forum Posting, New Products, Logistics & Warehousing, Figma, eCommerce Marketing, Blog Posting, Presentations, Team Leadership, Logistics, Community Marketing, SaaS Sales, Sales Communication

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