Asad S. Hussain, PhD, CFA, Developer in London, United Kingdom
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Asad S. Hussain, PhD, CFA

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Data Scientist and Developer

London, United Kingdom
Toptal Member Since
July 25, 2022

Asad has a doctorate in physics and specializes in nuclear fusion, theoretical fusion materials, and plasma fluid dynamics. He also holds a master's degree in engineering and a postgraduate diploma in mathematics and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). Asad has been applying his knowledge to developing models in automated pricing processes and statistical analysis of financial markets.



Preferred Environment

Windows, Linux, PyCharm, GitHub

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on was determining demand destruction in the UK business energy consumption during COVID-19.

Work Experience

Senior Quantitative Analyst

2022 - PRESENT
Engie UK Markets
  • Developed option pricing models for various electricity market physical assets and financial products.
  • Developed trading strategies around physical capacity markets.
  • Handled the statistical analysis of historical forecasts and outturns of renewable energy (solar and wind) and determined offsetting flexible energy (batteries and pumped storage) requirements.
Technologies: Python, .NET

Pricing Manager

2019 - 2022
Sefe Marketing and Trading Retail Ltd
  • Developed an automated pricing tool for market-making and accurately pricing sales contracts.
  • Determined the demand destruction in the UK business energy consumption during COVID-19 using automated meter readings (AMR).
  • Analyzed the realized risk for variational forward agreements.
Technologies: Python, DevOps, Blue Prism, Excel VBA

Quantitative Analyst

2018 - 2019
Arrow Global Group PLC
  • Automated the monthly reporting of revenue and acquisitions.
  • Developed rolling credit default in secured and unsecured loans.
  • Created a blended internal rate of return for multiple investments.
Technologies: Excel 2016, SAS, SQL, Python

Research Associate

2017 - 2018
University of Manchester
  • Developed a pythonic approach for digital image correlation in stressed nuclear graphite.
  • Examined results of nuclear scattering to determine stresses.
  • Analyzed and processed x-ray tomography of nuclear graphite.
Technologies: Digital Image Correlation (DIC)

Ph.D. Thesis in Nuclear Fusion
Worked on computational modeling of plasma and nuclear modeling, including post-processing.
In this project, I used:
• Magnetohydrodynamics, modified computational fluid dynamics, and variational calculus for the relaxation of merging magnetic flux ropes in plasmas;
• Monte Carlo N-particle (MCNP), LAMMPS molecular dynamics, and SRIM and TRIM based on binary collision approximation for synergistic effects of plasmas and neutrons in fusion materials.
2013 - 2017

Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematics

Open University - Milton Keynes, UK

2013 - 2017

Ph.D. in Nuclear Fusion

University of Manchester - Manchester, UK

2009 - 2013

Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering

University of Manchester - Manchester, UK

2011 - 2011

International Summer Institute in International Politics and Music

Seoul National University - Seoul, South Korea


Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

CFA Institute


Energy Markets Training Programme

European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET)


International Politics and Korean Music

Seoul National University


PyCharm, GitHub, Excel 2016


High-performance Computing (HPC), Variational Methods, DevOps




Python, Excel VBA, SAS, SQL


Windows, Linux


Data Analysis, Differential Equations, Fluid Dynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Magnetohydrodynamics, Data Visualization, Fractal Geometry, Number Theory, Monte Carlo Simulations, Simulations, Physics, Vibration Analysis, Music, Politics, International Affairs, Blue Prism, Digital Image Correlation (DIC), Monte Carlo, Finance, Trading, Energy

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