Attila Kis, Developer in Szeged, Hungary
Attila is available for hire
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Attila Kis

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Szeged, Hungary
Toptal Member Since
April 10, 2016

Attila is a senior software engineer with substantial full-stack development experience. His passion is creating scalable services, always prioritizing user satisfaction and comfort. Attila has worked with international teams for years, mostly with Node.js technologies, relational and non-relational databases. His experience in maintaining customer relationships and managing development teams makes him an integral part of any team.


Redux, React, Node.js, TypeScript, NestJS, PostgreSQL, TypeORM, BigQuery...
Hablo (via Toptal)
NestJS, Redis, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Jest, React, PostgreSQL, TypeScript...
Sunday Red Media (via Toptal)
Heroku, Express.js, MongoDB, Redux, React, Node.js




Preferred Environment

MacOS, SourceTree, Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...

...thing I've done is integrating an asynchronous data export on top of an existing complex system, capable of exporting hundreds of thousands of data records.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2021 - 2023
  • Developed a comprehensive software solution to manage certifications for remote workers, streamlining the organization of labeling tasks for AI training.
  • Implemented a dynamic task allocation system that effectively distributed labeling tasks among remote workers based on their certifications, enhancing workflow efficiency.
  • Created an integrated platform that coordinated multiple services, ensuring accurate and timely task assignments and significantly improving the productivity of the AI training process.
Technologies: Redux, React, Node.js, TypeScript, NestJS, PostgreSQL, TypeORM, BigQuery, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2020
Hablo (via Toptal)
  • Built the back-end architecture from scratch for a new, travel-industry-related social platform.
  • Delivered the base functionality, fixed bugs, and worked closely with front-end developers.
  • Designed and maintained the database schema, using the advantages of a relational database.
Technologies: NestJS, Redis, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Jest, React, PostgreSQL, TypeScript, GraphQL, Node.js

Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2020
Sunday Red Media (via Toptal)
  • Created the product architecture using Node.js, React, Redux, Express.js, and MongoDB.
  • Designed the database schema and created different data aggregations.
  • Built up the REST API using Postman API documentation.
Technologies: Heroku, Express.js, MongoDB, Redux, React, Node.js

Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2019
FintechBlocks Kft
  • Worked on a banking solution, a containerized private cloud platform.
  • Worked with clean code principles and code reviews.
  • Took part in delivering Open Banking (PSD2) sandbox systems.
Technologies: Microservices, OpenShift, Kubernetes, Docker, MongoDB, Kong, Express.js, Node.js

Full-stack Developer

2017 - 2019
Performitiv, LLC (via Toptal)
  • Worked as a MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) stack developer.
  • Improved overall performance and security of Client loyalty software.
  • Designed and developed an asynchronous data export module.
  • Took part in rewriting modules to use Vue.js instead of AngularJS.
  • Worked with net promoter score (NPS) and satisfaction ratings.
Technologies: Hapi.js, Webpack, Mongoose, MongoDB, Angular, Vue, Node.js

Full-stack Developer

2016 - 2017
Sojoorn Media, Inc. (via Toptal)
  • Designed and developed the journey lane system from scratch, using the latest technologies and standards.
  • Managed project requirements such as design, implementation, testing, deployment, CI, and follow-up.
  • Worked as a MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) stack developer.
Technologies: Stripe API, AWS Lambda, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon EC2, TypeScript, Angular, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Express.js, Node.js, JavaScript

Founder, iOS/Node.js Developer

2015 - 2017
Blackfish Softwares
  • Developed an iOS application for an exhibition organizer company (eRegistrator - Expo Informatics), to collect and synchronize visitor data with barcode scanning.
  • Developed an iOS application for hikers, to help navigation through routes saved in GPX files (GPX Navigator Pro). Used the GraphHopper API to allow route planning on hiking trails. Integrated with Facebook to allow sharing through the app.
Technologies: Mongoose, MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, Swift

Freelance iOS/Node.js Developer

2016 - 2016
  • Reviewed current back-end architecture and worked with Node.js, Hapi.js, and MongoDB.
  • Worked with &yet consultants to determine back-end and front-end performance issues.
  • Finished Ideapod iOS app and published it to the App Store.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), iOS, Docker, AngularJS, MongoDB, Hapi.js, Node.js

iOS/Node.js Developer/CTO

2013 - 2015
Red Steed Studios
  • Divided projects into manageable pieces, simplified and executed these projects while allowing space for changes.
  • Played an active role in the identification of opportunities and risks for the business. Managed and allocated resources between different projects and requirements.
  • Maintained relationships with clients. Participated in Hong Kong and Taipei business trips to meet and improve work relationships.
  • Used a variety of database systems: MongoDB, Redis, MySQL, and several third-party services such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon.
  • Operated network security and cryptography solutions like AES, RSA encryptions, key exchanges, secure network protocols HTTPS, TLS, certificates, and SSL.
  • Delivered a Bitcoin ATM vending machine to Singapore, a joint venture between Tembusu Terminals, Ltd. and RSS. Appeared in several international media outlets.
Technologies: REST, RSA, AES, Protocol Buffers, Redis, MongoDB, Bootstrap, Sails.js, Node.js, Swift

ASP.NET/JavaScript Developer

2012 - 2013
Prisym ID, Ltd.
  • Maintained client relations.
  • Contributed to project work with the customization team before joining the core development team.
  • Added features and fixed bugs in the company's next-generation core software: Prysim 360.
Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, jQuery, Handlebars, Knockout (Knockout.js), Underscore.js, JavaScript

.NET/JavaScript Developer

2010 - 2012
Codebase, Kft.
  • Maintained client relationships.
  • Managed project requirements such as design, implementation, testing, and follow-up.
  • Led the re-development of the company's workflow product.
  • Worked on the company's core products: attendance tracking, business calls, C1 cafeteria, etc.
Technologies: DB, Microsoft SQL Server, jQuery, Ext JS, JavaScript

.NET/JavaScript Developer

2009 - 2010
Tiger Softwares
  • Participated in the development of the company's service desk application.
  • Took part in the development of the company's Hydra vehicle tracking application.
  • Was a member of the WRS (wholesale and retail system) project's development team.
  • Developed a car rental system.
Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, JavaScript

Software Developer

2008 - 2009
OLÉ, bt.
  • Maintained a relationship with team members remotely.
  • Created a dynamic DNS solution.
Technologies: MySQL

Hablo connects you with your global travel network so that you, your business, and our industry can start rebuilding.

Hablo offers the latest technology to connect the travel industry.

I was working as a full-stack developer on this project, responsible to build the application from scratch. The back end was built with Nest.js, TypeScript, GraphQL, and Redis cache. I've created and maintained the database structure using PostgreSQL database. We used TypeScript to write all the code, used prettier and ESLint to keep styling in line, and followed clean code principles. The core functionality of the back end is covered with Jest and unit tests.


TourChamp was created when a group of golfers wanted to create their own golf tour and see who was the best golfer over the course of the year.

I was working as a full-stack developer on this project, responsible to build the application from scratch. The back-end was built with Express.js, Node.js, JavaScript, and a REST API. I created and maintained the database structure using a MongoDB database. The front end was created with React and Redux.


JourneyLane is a social application, focusing on lifelogging, travel, and other life experience management, sharing, and group and team management.

I built the application from scratch, working as a lead developer. We used Express.js, Node.js, and JavaScript with PostgreSQL to build the back end, and Angular and TypeScript to create the front end.


The eRegistrator app was made for the Expo Informatika Kft, and expands their services to iOS mobile platform.

Prisym 360

Next-generation software from Prisym ID, Ltd. that I helped develop. It's a highly configurable elite core solution integrating the company's core technologies together.

I worked as a software developer in a customization team and later joined their core team.
2006 - 2010

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering

University of Szeged - Szeged, Hungary


React, REST APIs, Node.js, jQuery, Underscore.js, Handlebars, AES, Stripe API, Vue


Git, Xcode, Sequelize, Amazon EBS, SourceTree, Mongoose, Webpack, Kong, Sketch 3, BigQuery


NestJS, Express.js, Jest, Angular, AngularJS, Hapi.js, Redux, Ext JS, Knockout (Knockout.js), Sails.js, Bootstrap, React Native


JavaScript, GraphQL, SQL, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, Swift


RESTful Development, Agile Software Development, REST, Clean Code, Agile, Unit Testing, Microservices


Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Docker, AWS Lambda, Linux, Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Heroku, Kubernetes, OpenShift, MacOS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), New Relic, iOS


MongoDB, Redis, NoSQL, PostgreSQL, JSON, Microsoft SQL Server, DB, MySQL


Minimum Viable Product (MVP), APIs, Server Security, Network Protocols, Cryptography, Protocol Buffers, RSA, TypeORM, Geolocation

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