Bryan Walsh, Developer in Coram, NY, United States
Bryan is available for hire
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Bryan Walsh

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Coram, NY, United States
Toptal Member Since
August 6, 2016

Bryan brings almost two decades of experience, including having served as CTO of a Techstars-backed company. His versatile skill set spans full-stack mobile and web app development, solution architecture, DevOps, team building, and management. Bryan is an avid learner who's always eager to expand his horizon, and his go-to tech stack includes C#, .Net Core, Angular, Node.js, TypeScript, and Flutter.


Retavo Inc.
Angular, MongoDB, Redis, Node.js, NestJS, .NET, C#.NET, Flutter, PostgreSQL...
Angular, Cordova, Cordova Plugins, Transmit, OpenShift, iOS, Android, Java...
MongoDB, Redux, Angular, TypeScript, ECMAScript (ES6), Node.js




Preferred Environment

Node.js, Angular, MongoDB, .NET, MySQL, Flutter

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on is a forex strategy builder with machine learning, instant back-testing, and the ability to export strategies to trading platforms.

Work Experience

Chief Technology Officer

2021 - 2023
Retavo Inc.
  • Built and nurtured a strong engineering team and culture from the ground up.
  • Led and managed a 9-person cross-functional team, including front-end and back-end engineers, a product owner, a project manager, and a designer.
  • Designed and implemented a scalable product architecture capable of handling millions of requests per minute.
  • Started as a team of 4 and built a services marketplace app using Node, NestJS, Typescript, Angular, and Flutter.
  • Pivoted to a white-label modular solution to build marketplace-based apps for clients, using Angular and C# technologies.
Technologies: Angular, MongoDB, Redis, Node.js, NestJS, .NET, C#.NET, Flutter, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Front-end, Back-end, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)

Senior Software Engineer

2019 - 2021
  • Engaged initially as a contractor to upgrade the front end of KeyBank's corporate banking portal, KeyNavigator, from the AngularJS-based Backbase LaunchPad widget architecture to the Angular 8-based Backbase Widget Architecture 3.
  • Helped educate KeyNavigator's 6-person front-end team and other teams within the organization in the best practices of writing reusable and maintainable code.
  • Learned KeyBank's end-to-end infrastructure—from the browser sending the request to the servers responding to the request—and all the appliances and firewalls in between.
  • Contributed as one of three members of the KeyNavigator team approved to perform deployments to all environments, including production.
  • Converted desktop and web platforms to use Transmit security and integrated KeyNavigator Cordova-based mobile app with Transmit using a library shared among the four platforms.
  • Solved interesting challenges in collaboration with a polite group of teammates.
  • Started as a senior software engineer and was offered a promotion to a lead architect position upon resigning.
Technologies: Angular, Cordova, Cordova Plugins, Transmit, OpenShift, iOS, Android, Java, TypeScript, Express.js, Node.js, REST

Front-end Angular 6 Developer

2018 - 2018
  • Created various reusable Angular 2 UI components for an in-house UI module similar to Angular Material.
  • Played a key role in developing insurance enrollment processes for the broker portal and direct-to-consumer shopping modules.
  • Designed and created a JSON manager using Angular 6, Node 10, Express 4, and MongoDB 4 to simplify the editing of tenant configuration JSON files while strictly defining their schema.
  • Integrated various back-end Django Python API calls with the Angular front-end to improve system functionality and user experience.
Technologies: MongoDB, Redux, Angular, TypeScript, ECMAScript (ES6), Node.js

Front-end Angular 5 Developer

2017 - 2018
Knexus Research Corp.
  • Was an integral part of the development of a classified project.
  • Utilized Open Layers Mapping, Angular 5, and NgRedux.
  • Was the sole front-end developer on the project throughout the full software development life cycle.
Technologies: Redux, Angular, TypeScript, NgRx

Full-stack Developer

2017 - 2017
JR Cigars
  • Added various features to the Santa Clara cigar website.
  • Built a Node.js package to integrate with Bepoz point-of-sale XML API.
  • Created Casa De Montecristo's loyalty program (an online cigar specialty shop, by building a Node.js REST API utilized by Angular 2 and a Redux front-end.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), MongoDB, CoffeeScript, Redux, Angular, TypeScript, ECMAScript (ES6), Node.js

Front-end Developer

2016 - 2016
Eagle Seven
  • Built the front end for automated trading system administration.
  • Guided the back-end team in the correct implementation of a REST API.
  • Utilized JavaScript, Angular, jQuery, CSS, and HTML.
  • Made minor alterations to the Python Django back end.
  • Built minor implementation of a JavaScript ORM to detect changes made to entities and call the relevant REST APIs to commit those changes.
Technologies: Python, jQuery, JavaScript, AngularJS

Full-Stack Developer

2016 - 2016
Inovance TRAIDE
  • Extended Java Spring base back end with a data store API using MongoDB and Node.js to store miscellaneous front end data such as a user's saved trading strategies.
  • Rebuilt the front end from the ground up in Angular.
  • Implemented a stock market simulation algorithm able to process years worth of symbol market data in under a second.
  • Wrote a custom Angular events library allowing for flexible and modular front end architecture.
  • Utilized AWS and DigitalOcean to create a hosting environment.
  • Updated the website design to look more modern, less cluttered, and more user-friendly while maintaining the look, feel, and spirit of the original design.
  • Developed the proposed architecture to allow users to trade their strategies on a live account and integrate their signals with MetaTrader 4.
Technologies: Spring, Java, MySQL, MongoDB, Node.js, Angular

Senior Full-stack Developer | Ad Interim Head of Development

2015 - 2016
  • Maintained a hosting environment of 60+ instances.
  • Managed project manager requirements and allotted development resources on a day-to-day basis.
  • Interviewed and hired current full-time developers and the head of development.
  • Translated PSD documents to HTML and CSS including mobile-friendly responsive designs.
  • Updated development workflows and deployment protocols.
  • Worked on various projects utilizing Node, Angular, MySQL, Amazon DynamoDB, and PHP.
  • Created and deployed new repositories, hosting, and continuous integration environments utilizing AWS EC2, AWS OpsWorks, and GitHub.
Technologies: Relational Database Services (RDS), AWS OpsWorks, HTML, CSS3, Node.js, jQuery, Angular

Senior Back-end Developer

2015 - 2015
  • Added service-side security with the context of a user's rights to access individual database entities.
  • Created an admin portal in AngularJS to monitor the usage of Android and iOS app and manage data.
  • Aided the company to navigate the consequences of its over-hiring strategies.
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS3, MongoDB, Angular, Node.js

Lead Full-stack Developer

2015 - 2015
Rally Bus
  • Added various features to their preexisting website.
  • Created a charter feature allowing users to create their own charter bus including customization of the route, the trip, the type of bus, and funding types.
  • Updated the design and added various functionalities to a PhoneGap mobile app.
Technologies: CSS3, HTML5, LINQ to SQL, Angular, C#, ASP.NET MVC, Cordova, PhoneGap

Senior Full-stack Developer

2015 - 2015
Snap On (via an online freelancing agency)
  • Added various features to a preexisting web-forms eCommerce platform.
  • Implemented a simple app-layer server-side data-encryption method allowing for the easy transitions of 20+ environments to encrypt sensitive user data.
  • Rewrote a Web Forms eCommerce administration portal utilizing Angular, Bootstrap, Entity Framework, and a web API.
Technologies: Bootstrap, Entity Framework, C#, ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Microsoft SQL Server, Angular

Full-stack Developer

2014 - 2015
Rethink Autism
  • Help familiarize, advise, and trained a five-person team in AngularJS.
  • Developed the Angular architecture for their new healthcare provider management platform.
  • Aided in the migration from on-location bare metal servers to Microsoft Azure.
  • Updated activity center with new designs and games.
  • Formatted Photoshop documents into pixel-perfect HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
Technologies: jQuery, Angular, Microsoft SQL Server, C#, LINQ to SQL, ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC

Sole Full-stack Developer

2014 - 2014
Product Remanufacturing Center Industries
  • Developed a full-process management system including receiving, warehousing, unpacking, inspection, repair, engineering, packing, and shipping.
  • Created the front-end interface using a SPA design utilizing Angular, jQuery, and Breeze.js.
  • Utilized SignalR to allow real-time server-client communication to keep shipping and receiving terminals synchronized.
  • Created an inheritance-based tracking system allowing end-to-end auditing and tracking of all products and shipments entering and exiting the facility.
Technologies: Breeze.js, CSS, HTML, Microsoft SQL Server, jQuery, Entity Framework, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Angular

Sole Full-Stack Developer

2013 - 2014
New York Foundation for the Arts
  • Created a new website from the ground up including CMS, classifieds, and artist directory portals.
  • Utilized Knockout.js to provide users with a seamless data entry experience.
  • Set up hosting on Amazon Web Services with Elastic Beanstalk, RDS, and S3.
Technologies: CSS, HTML, Entity Framework, Microsoft SQL Server, ASP.NET MVC, Knockout (Knockout.js)

Web Portfolio
Screen captures of various projects I've worked on.

New York Foundation for the Arts
Rebuilt the site from the ground-up using C# MVC.NET, Entity Framework, Knock Out, and jQuery.


Translated PSDs to HTML and CSS. Created all the animations and JavaScript on the pages.

Rally Bus Charter Applet

Created a charter bus creation applet in Angular and MVC.NET.

Rethink First
Translated and applied new PSD designs to an existing site. Added a variety of features using WebForms, MVC.NET, and Angular.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate



Google Maps, jQuery, RxJS, Node.js,, Breeze.js, Socket.IO, Web API, Entity Framework, React, React Redux, TensorFlow, Yelp API, X (formerly Twitter) API, Facebook API, NgRx


Gulp, Microsoft Visual Studio, WebStorm, Git, AWS ELB, Eclipse IDE, LINQ to SQL, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), AWS OpsWorks, Cordova Plugins


Angular, PhoneGap, Entity 6, AngularJS, Express.js, Knockout (Knockout.js), Flutter, NestJS, ASP.NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, Bootstrap, Redux, ASP.NET Web Forms, Spring, .NET


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Less, C#, C#.NET, Sass, SQL, CSS3, HTML5, ECMAScript (ES6), CoffeeScript, Python, Java, PHP


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Object-oriented Design (OOD), Model View Controller (MVC), Agile, Test-driven Development (TDD), REST


Amazon EC2, Linux, Linux Mint, Amazon Web Services (AWS), OpenShift, iOS, Android


JSON, MongoDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon DynamoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL


Ajax, CSV, Scalability, Back-end Development, Performance, IIS, BrainTree, Relational Database Services (RDS), Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cordova, Transmit, Front-end, Back-end

Collaboration That Works

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