Cleivson Siqueira De Arruda, Developer in São Paulo - State of São Paulo, Brazil
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Cleivson Siqueira De Arruda

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

São Paulo - State of São Paulo, Brazil
Toptal Member Since
January 28, 2020

Cleivson is a senior back-end engineer with a decade of experience working with agile development and solving business problems by diving deep into the user's requirements. While working at Amazon, he was able to develop and maintain systems with a high load (millions, sometimes billions of requests per day) in a highly scalable and highly available environment. Cleivson specializes in C#, Java, and TypeScript languages and can rapidly ramp up any other technology.


Rome Blockchain Labs
TypeScript, Node.js, Solidity, API Architecture, GraphQL, PostgreSQL...
JavaScript, Segment, Salesforce, Distributed Systems, Back-end
AWS CloudFormation, GitHub, Git, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Java...




Preferred Environment

Visual Studio, Jira, Git, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Back-end

The most amazing...

...thing I've developed was a serverless application, fully written with AWS services (Lambda, DynamoDB, SQS and CloudWatch). It increased business results by 50%.

Work Experience

Senior Back-end Engineer

2021 - PRESENT
Rome Blockchain Labs
  • Developed a data provider service for decentralized finance-related data across five EVM networks, crawling around 30 million transactions daily for Dex Swaps and Lending information in less than two seconds from block confirmation to client.
  • Managed a Hasura-based GraphQL API to serve the data from the data service using Auth0 to implement a machine-to-machine authentication.
  • Developed smart contracts for a noncustodial limit order bot on top of decentralized exchanges that operated over a million dollars in transactions on 2021.
  • Managed a team of three developers, handling business requirements, backlog prioritization, process improvement, and API architecture.
  • Implemented data quality mechanisms to handle and reprocess data problems like coverage or correctness.
Technologies: TypeScript, Node.js, Solidity, API Architecture, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud, Auth0, Scalable Architecture, Scalable Application, Software Design, Architecture, Leadership, Requirements Analysis, Bitcoin, Agile Software Development, API Development, Web Architecture, NoSQL, Microservices, Team Leadership, APIs, API Integration, Microservices Architecture, Distributed Systems, Back-end, System Architecture Design, Application Architecture

Senior Back-end Engineer

2021 - 2021
  • Worked on user profile enrichment and deduplication using the Segment tool.
  • Reprocessed millions of user profiles to backfill recently added profile enrichment data and fix previous miscategorizations.
  • Worked as a bridge between the website and CRM teams to coordinate sending client data through the enrichment pipeline for deduplication before sending it to Salesforce, linking to a new or existing Lead/Contact.
Technologies: JavaScript, Segment, Salesforce, Distributed Systems, Back-end

Senior Software Development Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • Implemented a Lambda function to obtain documents from a third-party service, storing them in S3 and processing it for data extraction.
  • Implemented data integration between Salesforce and DynamoDB, using AWS AppFlow and AWS Lambda.
  • Implemented continuous tests for third-party services login code, using AWS Synthetics Canaries.
  • Implemented design pattern strategies for unifying invoice generation code for data served through different integration sources.
  • Migrated existing AWS resources to infrastructure as a code, using AWS CloudFormation and Serverless Framework templates.
Technologies: AWS CloudFormation, GitHub, Git, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Java, AWS Step Functions, Serverless Framework, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), JavaScript, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon AppFlow, Amazon DynamoDB, Node.js, AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Regex, Algorithms, Databases, REST APIs, Scalable Architecture, Scalable Application, Software Design, Architecture, Requirements Analysis, Agile Software Development, API Development, Web Architecture, AWS Cloud Computing Services, NoSQL, Microservices, APIs, API Integration, Microservices Architecture, Distributed Systems, Back-end, System Architecture Design, Application Architecture

Senior Software Development Engineer

2020 - 2021
Challenge Hound
  • Fully integrated two healthcare data providers through webhooks into a consolidated data modeling.
  • Implemented database migration scripts using Knex.js.
  • Wrote tests for over 95% coverage of all implemented code.
  • Implemented strategies to deduplicate data served from different integration sources.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Serverless Framework, Knex.js, Webhooks, Testing, Jest, AWS CloudFormation, Lambda Functions, AWS Lambda, Objection.js, Node.js, Test-driven Development (TDD), Algorithms, Databases, REST APIs, API Architecture, Agile Software Development, AWS Cloud Computing Services, Microservices, APIs, API Integration, Distributed Systems, Back-end, Application Architecture

Senior Software Development Engineer

2020 - 2020
  • Participated in creating strategies for merging and storing Brazillian real estate data from different sources while keeping it consistent and accurate.
  • Participated in building the visual tool where business analysts can check real estate information such as location, similar buildings, area, price, etc.
  • Built dashboards to check data quality and helped build quality gates for new data.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Bitbucket, Git, NestJS, Automated Testing, Kanban, Serverless, PostgreSQL, MySQL, TypeScript, TypeORM, Node.js, Test-driven Development (TDD), Algorithms, Databases, SQL, REST APIs, API Architecture, Agile Software Development, Back-end

Software Development Engineer

2019 - 2020
  • Designed and developed an automated serverless system using AWS technologies (Lambda, DynamoDB, SQS, SNS, Kinesis) that automates business decisions regularly by getting input from upstream dependencies through REST API calls.
  • Improved 30% of business results through the aforementioned business decision automation and reduced 90% of the man-hours required in the process.
  • Created dashboards for business metrics using CloudWatch Log Insights that allowed business analysts to observe how the product was performing.
  • Designed a highly available (99.99% of availability) and highly scalable system capable of handling over a million items a day.
  • Maintained the software cost-efficiency by keeping the whole system on a budget of US $160/month by provisioning infrastructure based on previously calculated load and scaling on demand.
  • Automated the deployment of the infrastructure-as-code of the above-mentioned system using AWS CloudFormation.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Git, Amazon EC2, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, JavaScript, Java, Test-driven Development (TDD), Algorithms, Databases, SQL, REST APIs, API Architecture, Java 8, Scalable Architecture, Scalable Application, Software Design, Architecture, Leadership, Requirements Analysis, Agile Software Development, API Development, AWS Cloud Computing Services, NoSQL, Microservices, Team Leadership, APIs, API Integration, Microservices Architecture, Distributed Systems, Back-end, System Architecture Design, Application Architecture

Senior Software Development Engineer

2017 - 2019
Tapps Games
  • Served as part of the team that designed and developed the core game library in C# for Unity Engine with solutions like analytics, in-app purchases, advertising, A/B testing, and downloadable content to support all Unity games of the company.
  • Created the culture of automated tests to the key features of the library.
  • Led a small team of four developers responsible for maintaining the core library and redesigning the advertising strategy to increase revenue across all games.
Technologies: Unit Testing, Go, Apps, Fabric, Firebase, Git, C#, C#.NET, Regex, Test-driven Development (TDD), Algorithms, Databases, .NET, Scrum, SQL, Leadership, Requirements Analysis, Agile Software Development, .NET 5, Team Leadership, Application Architecture

Senior Software Development Engineer

2010 - 2017
SUATI | Suporte Avançado em Tecnologia da Informação
  • Led a team of five developers as one of the teams responsible for implementing and maintaining a system that manages the main contracts in the Brazilian Energy Market, handling millions of dollars month-over-month.
  • Created a domain-specific language that enabled the final user to manipulate the due dates of the billing module of the main system to consider workdays, weekends, and holidays closer to the natural way.
  • Unified dozens of different and independent codebases and databases in the main product line by developing a custom tool to automate the process.
  • Worked as part of the team that created and implemented the company's first continuous integration process through a gated check-in and nightly build integrated with a custom test platform and automatic Jira issues creation.
  • Oversaw product deliveries to ensure all problems were resolved in time and that the client would approve the new version.
Technologies: Jira, Domain-specific Languages (DSLs), TFS, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Visual Studio, C#, C#.NET, Regex, C#.NET WinForms, Test-driven Development (TDD), Algorithms, Databases, .NET, Scrum, SQL, Leadership, Requirements Analysis, XML, Agile Software Development, .NET 4, SQL Server 2014, .NET 3, Team Leadership, API Integration, Back-end

Cryptocurrency Trading Bot

A Node.js application that runs 24/7 by applying a proprietary strategy to choose and trade cryptocurrencies in exchanges like Bittrex, Poloniex, and Binance.

I was the co-creator of the strategy and responsible for creating the safety mechanisms to mitigate the risk of losing money when the bot chooses the wrong market to operate.

Advertising Management Library

A library to be used by mobile games to show mobile ads to the player in the form of banners, interstitial, and rewarded ads from several different publishers.

I was responsible for designing the strategy to optmize the loading of ads while reducing the number of ads that weren't shown to the player (to increase the value of each impression) while giving the performance team the tools to parameterize this strategy across all games without a deployment.

Development Toolkit

A desktop application built in MS Build and C# to automate daily tasks of stakeholders of the central system of the company. The QA analysts, project managers, and other non-technical stakeholders could quickly build and run any version of both client and server applications of the system connecting to a matching version of the database. Developers could easily migrate any database from a specific version to another and test any new migration script.
2008 - 2013

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - Recife, Brazil


REST APIs, Node.js, API Development, Moq, Entity Framework, Fabric, Objection.js, Passport.js, Moment.js


C#.NET WinForms, Spreadsheets, Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, Git, Bitbucket, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), GitHub, Knex.js, AWS Step Functions, Jira, Microsoft Excel, Postman, TFS, NPM, Auth0, PM2


C#, C#.NET, Regex, XML, GraphQL, Java 8, Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, SQL, Domain-specific Languages (DSLs), Solidity, Go, SQL DDL, HTML, CSS


Test-driven Development (TDD), Testing, Microservices, Lambda Architecture, API Architecture, Web Architecture, Scalable Application, Scrum, Kanban, Agile Software Development, Concurrent Programming, E2E Testing, Requirements Analysis, Microservices Architecture, Application Architecture, REST, Unit Testing, Automated Testing

Industry Expertise

Trading Systems


.NET, .NET 4, .NET 3, .NET 5, Jest, Mockito, JMockit, Swagger, Spring 5, NestJS, Serverless Framework, Spring, Express.js, Truffle


Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, AWS Cloud Computing Services, Blockchain, Ethereum, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Amazon EC2, Docker, Oracle, Firebase, Salesforce


MySQLdb, JSON, Databases, MySQL, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), NoSQL, SQL Server 2014, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle 10g, Google Cloud


APIs, Software Design, Algorithms, Software Architecture, Code Architecture, Scalable Architecture, Scalable Web Services, AWS Cloud Architecture, Bitcoin, Architecture, Leadership, Team Leadership, API Integration, Distributed Systems, Back-end, System Architecture Design, Cloud, Apps, Lambda Functions, Webhooks, Serverless, Amazon AppFlow, Amazon API Gateway, TypeORM, Cryptocurrency, Trading, Segment

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