Fatih Altınok, Developer in Istanbul, Turkey
Fatih is available for hire
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Fatih Altınok

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Istanbul, Turkey
Toptal Member Since
November 2, 2016

Fatih is a self-taught web developer who currently uses React on the front end and Node.js on the back end. He is highly communicative and can explain technical details in a way that is easy to digest. Fatih loves learning new things by using them to build cool stuff that helps people.


Divers Direct
React, TypeScript, Next.js, Algolia, Prismic, BigCommerce API, Tailwind CSS...
React, Next.js, PostgreSQL, TypeScript, Node.js, Tailwind CSS, Puppeteer, HTML...
Westwing Home & Living
Scala, Node.js, React, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, E2E Testing...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, Git, Vim Text Editor, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), GitHub

The most amazing...

...project I've done was the Dropbox Window, which allows you to use your phone to authorize an untrusted PC to upload files to your Dropbox by scanning a QR code.

Work Experience

Next.js and TypeScript Developer

2021 - 2021
Divers Direct
  • Took responsibility for migrating the largest diving gear shop from Magento and WordPress to Next.js and BigCommerce.
  • Refreshed the overall look and feel using the provided design handoff and implemented it in a mobile-first way using Tailwind CSS.
  • Built reusable React components from scratch to be used with a GUI using Prismic CMS to create static pages.
  • Integrated several third-party services for payment, shipping, and tax calculation to meet client requirements and ensure a smooth checkout.
  • Improved the search performance considerably by integrating Algolia to index the products and building a search page using InstantSearch.
Technologies: React, TypeScript, Next.js, Algolia, Prismic, BigCommerce API, Tailwind CSS, Payment APIs, Front-end, GitHub, APIs, Full-stack, Architecture, Software Architecture, Web Development, Vercel, Radix UI

Full-stack Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • Developed a full-stack social web application using Next.js and Tailwind CSS from scratch, deployed on Vercel.
  • Designed a PostgreSQL schema with a full authentication flow, including invites, email confirmation, and password resets.
  • Wrote high-level end-to-end tests that run on each deployment using Puppeteer to ensure the code meets business requirements.
Technologies: React, Next.js, PostgreSQL, TypeScript, Node.js, Tailwind CSS, Puppeteer, HTML, CSS, E2E Testing, Functional Programming, JavaScript, SQL, Front-end, GitHub, APIs, Playwright, Full-stack, Architecture, Software Architecture, Prisma, Web Development, Vercel

Full-stack Engineer

2019 - 2020
Westwing Home & Living
  • Maintained the back end and the front end of an internal tool.
  • Contributed to the Scala codebase that is the backbone of the website.
  • Open-sourced an internal library for managing feature toggles.
Technologies: Scala, Node.js, React, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, E2E Testing, Functional Programming, Front-end, Full-stack, Architecture, Software Architecture, Web Development

Full-stack Engineer

2018 - 2019
  • Fixed bugs and maintained the stability of the website.
  • Added several new features with specifications provided by the designer.
  • Introduced new features required by the employer within the timeframe and specified budgets.
Technologies: Shopify, GraphQL, React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Linux, Front-end, APIs, Full-stack, Web Development

Front-end Developer

2015 - 2018
  • Transformed an old web app into a single-page application (SPA) using React.
  • Improved the build pipeline using Webpack hot reloading and code splitting, ESLint style checking and linting, and Flow type annotations.
  • Rewrote the web app using the latest best practices.
  • Worked closely with the design team to generate user-friendly design outputs and implemented them with pixel perfection.
  • Attended roadmap meetings to help shape the direction of the product.
Technologies: Flow, Redux, React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Functional Programming, Linux, Haskell, Front-end, GitHub, Data Visualization, Cybersecurity, Storybook, User Experience (UX), Software Architecture, Web Development

Full-stack Developer

2014 - 2015
  • Maintained a legacy PHP/MySQL website used by top pharmaceutical companies.
  • Worked on a next-generation BI tool using a homegrown PHP framework and jQuery.
  • Maintained data-mining and web-crawling tools.
Technologies: MySQL, jQuery, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, Linux, Front-end, Full-stack, Web Scraping, Web Development

Dropbox Window

Dropbox Window is a side project where I coded a small web tool for authorizing an untrusted PC with an easily revocable token. The process is that you scan a QR code with your phone which is then used to send files to your Dropbox account.


Yarnhook keeps your node_modules up to date when your Yarn.lock, Package-lock.json, or Shrinkwrap.yaml changes due to Git operations such as checkout, merge, rebase, pull, and so on.

Save the Date

These are primitives for extensible React date-picker components.
2021 - 2022

Master's Degree in Computer Science

Gazi University - Ankara, Turkey

2016 - 2018

Master's Degree in Computer Engineering

Hacettepe University - Ankara, Turkey


React, Node.js, Playwright, jQuery, Puppeteer, BigCommerce API


Vim Text Editor, Git, GitHub, Prisma, Flow


Next.js, Express.js, Redux, Tailwind CSS


CSS, HTML, TypeScript, JavaScript, Scala, Haskell, PHP, GraphQL, SQL, Python


Functional Programming, E2E Testing


Vercel, Linux, MacOS, Shopify, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Software Design Patterns, Algolia


MySQL, PostgreSQL

Industry Expertise



Front-end, APIs, Software Architecture, Web Development, Data Visualization, Full-stack, Architecture, Web Scraping, Radix UI, Software QA, Big Data, Machine Learning, Algorithms, Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cryptography, Graph Theory, Microprocessors, Image Processing, Computer Networking, GPU Computing, Prismic, Payment APIs, Storybook, User Experience (UX)

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