Alonso Méndez, Developer in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Alonso is available for hire
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Alonso Méndez

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Toptal Member Since
May 18, 2015

Jose is a software architect with over 18 years of experience developing web applications. He is a mentor of around 20 successful developers, and he is constantly learning and improving his skills and loves to work with new technologies. Jose is a great communicator and a naturally curious individual.


Mongo Labs, Inc
WordPress, PHP, MySQL, Symfony 4, Twilio API, SMS Gateways, Emailers...
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Scrum, Agile Software Development...
Realtime Media
DevOps, PSD to WordPress, SVG, SCSS, jQuery, React, Vue, Angular, ASP.NET...




Preferred Environment

OS X, Git, Docker, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Laravel

The most amazing... I've coded was the implementation of the Cactus Jack algorithm in Java. It generates a 10GB database of all possible poker hands with the values.

Work Experience

Full-stack WordPress Developer

2020 - 2022
Mongo Labs, Inc
  • Started the project for a fundraising platform from scratch, working on the front end, back-end, and cloud infrastructure.
  • Created all the continuous deployment set up on GitHub actions.
  • Integrated third-party payment platforms, like Twilio SMS, Active Campaign, Google reCaptcha, PayPal, and Stripe, and implemented the payouts algorithm.
Technologies: WordPress, PHP, MySQL, Symfony 4, Twilio API, SMS Gateways, Emailers, ActiveCampaign, Amazon API Gateway, WordPress Themes, WebStorm, WooCommerce API, Pixel Perfect, Adobe Photoshop, Pair Programming, REST, Lambda Functions, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Redis Cache, Webpack 4, Stripe Payments, User Experience (UX), JavaScript, eCommerce, Front-end, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Rapid Prototyping, REST APIs, Task Scheduling, Tailwind CSS, HTML

Senior Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2021
  • Updated and optimized about 20 WordPress websites, helping to reduce page load speeds and improve PageSpeed scores.
  • Built an order management system for a distributor of engraved products with Angular and Laravel.
  • Fixed dozens of issues with a proprietary eCommerce system developed by another firm.
  • Implemented a ticketing system based on WordPress and Gravity Forms. The administration panel was built on Svelte and Laravel.
  • Improved over a dozen landing pages using Yoast SEO plugin and WP Total Cache.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Scrum, Agile Software Development, User Interface (UI), Laravel, Gravity Forms, PostgreSQL, WordPress, Docker, Angular, Svelte, JavaScript, PHP, SMS Gateways, Symfony 4, PayPal API, WebStorm, WooCommerce API, Pixel Perfect, Adobe Photoshop, Responsive Web Design (RWD), REST, Lambda Functions, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), User Experience (UX), WooCommerce, Learning Management Systems (LMS), Elementor, Front-end, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Rapid Prototyping, REST APIs, Task Scheduling, Tailwind CSS, WordPress Design

Front-end Developer

2019 - 2020
Realtime Media
  • Supported the project kickoff for high-level clients.
  • Created SEO-optimized promotional landing pages.
  • Added a PHP script app to send massive SMS campaigns to the fidelity program customers.
  • Improved existing templates according to PSD and Sketch mockups.
  • Ported old technology (jQuery/Backbone) components into newer technologies (Angular, React, Vue).
  • Created minigames on different MV* frameworks.
  • Implemented small scripts to connect the Stripe API on C# microservices.
Technologies: DevOps, PSD to WordPress, SVG, SCSS, jQuery, React, Vue, Angular, ASP.NET, Twilio API, Google Ads API, PayPal API, Amazon API Gateway, WordPress Themes, WebStorm, WooCommerce API, Pixel Perfect, Pair Programming, REST, Vue 2, Webpack 4, JavaScript, Maps, eCommerce, HubSpot, B2B Product Management, Front-end, Rapid Prototyping, REST APIs, Task Scheduling, Tailwind CSS, WordPress Design

Senior WP Developer

2018 - 2020
Rosemont Media (Via Toptal)
  • Helped over a hundred clients to optimize and customize their WordPress blogs and websites.
  • Authored about 60 high-quality WordPress themes, landing pages, and scheduling solutions for dental and plastic surgery companies.
  • Developed custom extensions for a variety of WordPress plugins, marketing, and eCommerce platforms, including WooCommerce, Elementor, Yoast SEO plugin, MailChimp for a hundred clients.
  • Implemented landing pages contact forms using Gravity Forms and MailChimp.
Technologies: WordPress Plugins, User Experience (UX), Yoast SEO, Docker, PHP, WordPress, WordPress Themes, WebStorm, Adobe Photoshop, REST, Vue 2, Lambda Functions, Redis Cache, WooCommerce, eCommerce, Elementor, WP Engine, HubSpot, Basecamp, Front-end, REST APIs, Task Scheduling, Tailwind CSS, WordPress Design

Full-stack Developer

2018 - 2019
RentDuo (via Toptal)
  • Ported an existing WP application to AWS Lambda and Gateway microservices.
  • Created some custom PHP scripts to connect third-party services to an existing JS codebase.
  • Created a pixel-perfect Shopify Liquid template according to a Sketch mockup.
  • Configured and connected Shopify, Stripe, Google Spreadsheets, HelloSign, PayPal, and third-party services.
  • Set up AWS ElasticBeanstalk builds to create EC2 instances, DynamoDBs with its slaves, load balancers, and Redis cache for each environment, including dev, staging/test, client UAT, and production servers.
  • Implemented a dozen landing pages using Gravity Forms and Active Campaign on WordPress.
Technologies: DevOps, Yoast SEO, Google Maps, PHP, PayPal, Stripe, Shopify, WooCommerce, WordPress, WordPress Themes, WebStorm, AIOSEO, Adobe Photoshop, REST, Vue 2, Laravel 5, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Maps, eCommerce, WP Engine, Business to Consumer (B2C), Front-end, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), REST APIs, Tailwind CSS, HTML, WordPress Design

Front-end Developer

2016 - 2019
SingleComm (via Toptal)
  • Created an AngularJS flowchart editor for the call center manager.
  • Connected VoIP service to a PHP back end and an AngularJS front-end application.
  • Helped to create the DevOps to terraform the new environments for new clients.
  • Updated the PHP code base with PHP 7.0 updates, optimized using Redis cache.
  • Ported existent SVN repo to Git, and older CSS code to Sass/SCSS.
  • Set up a Shopify site, including shipping and payment gateway, and created the Liquid templates according to the Adobe Illustrator design.
Technologies: Amazon DynamoDB, PHP, Angular, AngularJS, WebStorm, Adobe Photoshop, REST, Grunt, Docker Compose, Stripe Payments, eCommerce, HubSpot, Basecamp, Front-end, REST APIs, Tailwind CSS, HTML

Front-end Engineer

2017 - 2018
  • Ported the legacy JAVA/Spring + CassandraDB monolithic application into a Golang Gorilla/Mux + PostgreSQL + RabbitMQ and Redis RESTful server to support a lightweight app store.
  • Ported the legacy Freemarker templates into a modern single-page application featuring Angular 2 components. Some components included complex filters and SVG graphic effects.
  • Created a Docker Compose file to speed up Golang server development, featuring Redis, RabbitMQ, and PostgreSQL services.
  • Created a Jenkins setup to support Kubernetes autoscaling in the stage and production servers.
  • Created a RabbitMQ server to redirect traffic to the Kubernetes hosts as the load balancer.
Technologies: DevOps, Kubernetes, Redis, Docker, Jenkins, SCSS, Go, RabbitMQ, Cassandra, PostgreSQL, Java, Angular, WebStorm, REST, Handlebars, Liquid Template, eCommerce, Elementor, Business to Consumer (B2C), REST APIs, Tailwind CSS, HTML

Web Developer

2017 - 2018
  • Created an Angular 4 dashboard to show monthly activity and earnings to the investors per state (D3.js maps).
  • Created some CRUD/RESTful endpoints to implement user authentication (JWT).
  • Deployed releases and maintained a small AWS cloud composed by some Lambdas, EC2, and RDS hosts for different environments.
  • Ported some Blade templates to React components in order to speed up user activity. The older Blade templates slowed down user interactivity.
  • Created a Lambda function to convert an HTML payload into a downloadable PDF featuring page-breaking capability.
  • Connected Stripe API to process client's payments and subscriptions.
  • Connected to Shopify API and created a Liquid template from PSD mockups.
Technologies: DevOps, HTML to WordPress, Node.js, AWS Lambda, React, Angular, SCSS, Sass, Laravel, PHP, WebStorm, AIOSEO, Pair Programming, REST, Bower, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), REST APIs, Tailwind CSS, HTML

Front-end Developer

2016 - 2017
  • Created a fraud detection control panel from zero, featuring Bootstrap 3 and Angular 2+.
  • Consumed Lambda services to dump suspect data into a table and created a new component to allow credit card inspectors to select some fields to form expressions.
  • Built some complex forms to dig into the data of that individual until the inspector gets enough evidence of fraud or innocence.
  • Created a lot of custom SVG/JS components: USA maps and charts, JS plumb diagrams, fraud probability dashboards, suspicious activity relationships diagrams, etc.
  • Developed some Lambda services (Node.js) to proxy server activity to third-party consumers (CRUD/RESTFul).
  • Implemented the full authentication flow as an Angular app.
  • Ported our existing modules into Pug templates to speed up development and to reduce the complexity of HTML components.
  • Created a dynamic flowchart generator to track suspicious customer activities. This component was created using JS Plub and D3.js and it retrieved information in real-time thanks to a WebSocket connection.
Technologies: jQuery Plugins, PostgreSQL, Webpack, Bootstrap 3, Gulp, AWS Lambda, Stylus, Angular, Pug, TypeScript, WebStorm, Responsive Web Design (RWD), REST, Maps, eCommerce, Business to Consumer (B2C)

Web Developer

2015 - 2016
  • Created a custom WP theme featuring Vue.js widgets to consume real-time data and show available medical services on main California cities.
  • Implemented a VPN-connected Docker container to proxy the client's RESTful server in order to comply with HIPAA security rules.
  • Created custom WP widgets to show real-time data into a D3.js map.
  • Implemented some Gulp tasks to minify Vue.js components, minify/obfuscate JS, compress some images, and transpile Pug templates into HTML.
  • Set up Jenkins pipelines to deploy the WP site in three stages: dev, stage, and production.
Technologies: jQuery Plugins, Jenkins, Gulp, D3.js, Vue, Pug, Less, WordPress, REST, Webpack 4, Maps, eCommerce

Software Engineer

2012 - 2015
Nearsoft, Inc.
  • Converted legacy front-end code to modern web technologies.
  • Built the Vagrant machine using Puppet and Bash provider.
  • Added CDN support using Amazon's S3.
  • Implemented CodeShip continuous integration scripts.
  • Implemented embeddable plugins to be inserted by web developers in their own websites.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), jQuery Plugins, Stylus, JADE, Express.js, Node.js, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Jenkins, Codeship, Amazon CloudFront CDN, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon EC2, AIOSEO, REST, Handlebars, Liquid Template, B2B Product Management

Senior PHP Developer

2012 - 2013
Serpico Dev
  • Contributed to the definition of business logic processes.
  • Developed Facebook integrations.
  • Introduced Less CSS to clients.
  • Created jQuery plugins, like user cards, news, and finance carousel modules.
  • Created a walkthrough/demo plugin used by the internal marketing team.
Technologies: jQuery Plugins, DevOps, Vagrant, CakePHP, NGINX, Symfony, Laravel, GitHub, HTML5, jQuery, MySQL, Adobe Photoshop, Laravel 5, Redis Cache, Stripe Payments, CoffeeScript, eCommerce, B2B Product Management

Senior JavaScript Developer

2011 - 2012
Touch My City
  • Developed websites and maintained the servers.
  • Created a 100,000 x 100,000 map navigator using tiling techniques (C++11) and image optimization libraries (Python).
  • Trained and mentored teammates.
  • Worked with product groups to develop and enhance usability.
  • Led front-end projects to a timely and successful completion.
Technologies: jQuery Plugins, C++, Image Processing, Image Manipulation, Python, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, jQuery, Bower, Liquid Template, B2B Product Management

Senior Front-end Developer

2011 - 2012
Software Next Door
  • Updated legacy PHP code to CodeIgniter.
  • Boosted page render time, refactoring old JavaScript code.
  • Converted an SVN repo to Git, improving team workflow.
  • Added custom jQuery plugins.
  • Implemented a PNG-JPG carousel.
Technologies: jQuery Plugins, CodeIgniter, Jenkins, PHP, Apache2, Git, Subversion (SVN), Less, jQuery, Elasticsearch, Grunt, Docker Compose, HTML

Web Developer and Emarketing Specialist

2009 - 2011
Terramar Group
  • Implemented the content delivery network using different VPS for assets, images, code, and data.
  • Contributed to emarketing campaigns: AdWords, Facebook Ads, PPC, PPV, email marketing, and SEO techniques.
  • Increased site performance by minimizing and compressing (Gzip compression) all CSS and JavaScript, and serving static content from cookie-less domains.
  • Utilized handwritten JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5 with an emphasis on performance, scalability, and positive user experience.
  • Created a web crawler from scratch using Python.
Technologies: jQuery Plugins, Java, PHP, Python, PayPal API, HTML5, CSS3, WebGL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon EC2, NetBeans, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Adobe Photoshop, Pair Programming, Laravel 5, CoffeeScript, HTML

Web Developer

2008 - 2009
Club Solaris Resort
  • Created all the API connectors.
  • Created clean, semantic, and ARIA-ready markup.
  • Converted existing code to valid HTML entities, maintaining 4 UTF-8 translations, including Chinese.
  • Sped up page render time using jQuery animation techniques.
  • Created SEO setup to improve page rank.
Technologies: jQuery Plugins, Aptana, MySQL, jQuery, XHTML, CodeIgniter, PHP, ZURB Foundation, Pair Programming, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Bower, HTML

Software Engineer

2007 - 2008
Virtuo Digital
  • Built JS modules for financial information visualization.
  • Developed the company CMS, using an open-source syntax highlighter on JavaScript and PHP.
  • Developed a custom JS chart library.
  • Implemented a continuous delivery strategy between FreeBSD and Linux using Rsync.
  • Sped up page renders on the server-side, using the in-house cache manager and created on C++ and Java.
Technologies: jQuery Plugins, PayPal, Website CMS, Google SEO, CGI, Ajax, CodeMirror, Flash, Bash, C++, Subversion (SVN), CSS, HTML, Apache2, PHP, Elasticsearch, ZURB Foundation, Adobe Photoshop, Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Easy Workflow Generator
A project to participate in the Nearsoft Hackathon in 2013. It is a jQuery plugin to convert JSON files into a flowchart using Raphael.js. An example can be seen here:

A Vagrant machine to set up a LAMP + MEAN + Redis dev environment for all your team in minutes.

Created a PHP CMS to allow multi-language, SEO-friendly content.

Helped a friend of mine to create a SDL/C++ maze game. Featuring ugly monsters and file loading.

CSS Shrinker
A PHP class to minimize, validate, and uglify CSS files.

A simple game made is JavaScript using Jade, Stylus, and AngularJS.

Hotel Royal Solaris

Developed a custom CMS with SEO capabilities. Used PHP+LESS, jQuery. Added a translation plugin to support multiple languages.


Participated on Static Showdown 2015 with a small 2D RPG using, JavaScript, and Node.js as a server. -- For the Lulz!

Warro - Map Navigator
A friend of mine started a map navigator for really big images, and I helped him to support 120kpx x 80kpx using tiling techniques.

Baja Outback

HTML, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, Linux, Bash, CSS 2, LESS CSS
2011 - 2013

Master's Degree in Web Development

Californian Gulf University - Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S. México.

2004 - 2008

Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering

Technical Institute of Major Studies of Los Cabos - San Jose del Cabo, B.C.S. México


jQuery Plugins, Handlebars, jQuery, Vue 2, React, REST APIs, PayPal API, Vue, Node.js, WebGL, D3.js, Stripe, Google Maps, WooCommerce API, Twilio API, Google Ads API


AIOSEO, CodeMirror, Gulp, Adobe Photoshop, Grunt, Git, Vagrant, Bower, Stylus, Docker Compose, Aptana, Webpack 4, WebStorm, Jenkins, Subversion (SVN), GitHub, NGINX, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Codeship, Flash, Webpack, RabbitMQ, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Basecamp


Bootstrap, Angular, AngularJS, Tailwind CSS, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Symfony, CakePHP, Express.js, Bootstrap 3, ASP.NET, Svelte, ZURB Foundation, Laravel 5, Symfony 4


HTML, CSS, SCSS, CSS3, CoffeeScript, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, Go, XHTML, Python, Java, Less, JADE, C++, Bash, Sass, TypeScript, Pug, Liquid Template


DevOps, Responsive Web Design (RWD), REST, Pair Programming, Agile Software Development, Scrum, Rapid Prototyping


OS X, WordPress, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon EC2, Amazon Web Services (AWS), NetBeans, Apache2, Docker, Kubernetes, WooCommerce, Shopify, AWS Lambda, HubSpot


MySQL, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Redis Cache, WP Engine, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Cassandra, Redis, Amazon DynamoDB


Yoast SEO, Gravity Forms, Image Processing, Pixel Perfect, User Interface (UI), Ajax, WordPress Plugins, HTML to WordPress, PSD to WordPress, User Experience (UX), Maps, Learning Management Systems (LMS), eCommerce, Front-end, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Task Scheduling, WordPress Design, Google SEO, PayPal, WordPress Themes, Elementor, B2B Product Management, CGI, Website CMS, Image Manipulation, SVG, Lambda Functions, Stripe Payments, Amazon API Gateway, SMS Gateways, Emailers, ActiveCampaign, Business to Consumer (B2C)

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